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"Little Boy Missing" by Lizzie Fry *****Review

"Little Boy Missing" the latest Domestic Psychological Thriller by Lizzie Fry is OUT TODAY!

I was fortunate to get an advanced copy, and I am honored to share 'My Opinion.' YOWZAH!

It is a difficult book to review without giving away any spoilers. I will do my best to keep the twists, turns, and surprises a secret, even though they start on page one. OOPS!

I don't recall reading a "Domestic Psychological Thriller" before, but I do enjoy watching them on TV. Lizzie Fry doesn't waste a precious moment to submerge the reader into the inner life of JO, the Protagonist, with a stream-of-consciousness catharsis that continually entices and sends Jo further into isolation at every turn.

Jo is 'The Every Woman' Archetype. She's just slipped into middle-age, with a husband Sean, kids, laundry, dinner, and a young boy KYLE with a 'little rash' that turns him into OH NO! a Complex Needs child. The thread is pulled and Jo's heart and soul begin to unravel. Jo is overworked, underappreciated and by simply closing her eyes for a moment in a childish game, she's now a 'Bad Mother!"

Self-destructive thought patterns, guilt, self-loathing, loss, jealousy, betrayal, and the prospect of "Stranger Danger" erupt when Kyle goes missing. That's all I'm saying!

Lizzie is an expert at weaving narration with vivid visuals, creating a kind of "CineBook" by deeply submerging the reader to SEE and FEEL the story and experience deep emotions on a visceral level.

If that's not suspenseful enough, there is a cameo of a woman with a nose-ring and a blue Mohawk!

It's a fast read, I'm talking ZOOM. I read it in two sittings. It's hard to put down.

"Little Boy Missing," by Lizzie Fry. Available on AMAZON TODAY!

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